A/B Testing for Continual Improvements

Split Testing for Incremental Website Improvements

A/B testing (also known as split testing) is a user experience research methodology based on a randomized experiment with two variants, A and B. A/B tests are a useful tool for validating website user engagement, navigation, and conversion optimization.

In simplest form, 50% of users see variant A, while the other 50% see variant B. As the users interact with each version, we are measuring performance metrics such as user engagement and conversions. Over time, one of the variants will prove to perform better than the other, and we can use that data to guide future development, design, and marketing initiatives.

For example, let’s say we have a checkout button on an eCommerce website. What colour should it be? Perhaps a blue button fits better with the overall design of the site, while the orange button jumps out more noticeably. Which one leads to more sales?

A/B testing takes the guesswork out of the equation and provides us with sound data to make the correct decision. It is also not limited to design features such as the buttons example above.

A/B testing can be used to test a wide variety of factors on a website including:

  • Design elements and page layout
  • Website navigation
  • Placement of Calls-to-Action
  • Landing page engagement
  • Image and text optimization
  • eCommerce optimization
  • Targeting and personalization

If you have an idea or new feature for your website that you would like to try out, A/B testing is a safe and controlled way to test and validate before committing all website users to it.

Posted on: 02/06/2023
Posted by: Craig Hauptman – President & Founder

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