UBC Properties Trust is a private company wholly owned by the University of British Columbia which operates as a trust whose sole beneficiaries are UBC and the UBC Foundation.
URL: www.villagegatehomes.com
Industries: Assorted
Services: Development, Insights, Marketing
Relentless has redesigned and redeveloped the Village Gate Homes website for UBC Properties Trust. The new design features simplified navigation elements, improved mobile usability, and a crisp responsive layout. We have been working closely with UBC Properties Trust for over a decade and are very familiar with the website’s content and functionality, which came in handy when working on this exciting project.
URL: www.ubcproperties.com
Industries: Assorted
Services: Development, Insights
Relentless has recently converted the VillageGateHomes.com website into a responsive design for UBC Properties Trust. Village Gate Homes has been developing, leasing and managing rental housing for UBC’s full-time, permanent faculty and staff. Relentless has been working with UBC Properties Trust on their fleet of websites since 2010.
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