Angus Reid Public Opinion conducts public opinion polls that are consistently quoted in media outlets around the world, and serve as the basis for policy, business, and campaign directives.
Relentless completed a massive overhaul of the 21,000 page Angus Reid Public Opinion website in 2010 under a very aggressive timeline.
Relentless has a superior corporate attitude. Our requests were dealt with very quickly, and without too much technical jargon. This website migration solved a lot of problems for everybody, and it had to be done very quickly in order to make business sense. Stepping aside for a bit and letting Relentless do the work was a welcome development.
We thoroughly enjoyed the final product. I don't think we would have been able to do this as quickly in-house or with another developer. Thanks for everything. We're all pleased with the new site.
Industries: Information Technology
Services: Development, Insights, Marketing
Relentless is pleased to announce the updated Angus Reid Public Opinion website. Angus Reid Public Opinion is a leading source for polls and opinions from around the world, containing over 21,000 pages of archived content. Relentless worked with an aggressive 2-week timeline to deliver a striking new design and powerful CMS solution.
Built on WordPress with a 100% custom theme, this client-operated site has powerful content management features at its disposal. One example is a highly customizable “chart builder” that allows data charts to be created directly in WordPress via a user-friendly interface. The updated site layout is familiar to long-standing ARPO visitors but provides an improved site experience, particularly in content search and browsing. As with all Relentless projects, the Angus Reid Public Opinion website was built with search engine optimization in mind.
Relentless is enjoying working with the talented Angus Reid Public Opinion team and looks forward to the continuous improvement of this industry-leading website.
Industries: Information Technology
Services: Development, Insights, Marketing
Relentless has been working on the Angus Reid Global Monitor website, which provides daily information and analysis on worldwide public opinion polls.
With over 21,000 polls in the archives, Angus Reid Global Monitor is the leading source for researchers to track global public opinion on current issues.
Relentless is currently managing and deploying a search engine optimization (SEO) program for the website.
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